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When it comes to infant and baby products, parents are increasingly shifting from plastic to silicone.

Mouthing is a natural and essential developmental stage for babies. It usually starts when the little is 3-4 month of age. It involves putting objects, such as toys, fingers, or hands, into their mouths.

Babies scratch for the same reasons we do, something itches. Irritation causes them to itch, and unfortunately, they do not have the ability to scratch with caution.
When you think of fall, you may picture the leaves changing, the weather cooling, and the loss of the long summer days. When the weather starts to cool down and we start to lose daylight, our bodies crave heartier meals and time spent getting cozy with our loved ones. When thinking of fall flavors, your initial ideas maybe something related to pumpkin or apple, but this time of year offers so much more than the go-to pumpkin spice latte.
Sometimes the best games are the ones you can enjoy without ever leaving the house. Days in can be amazing and there’s no better way to spend it than with your family
Sleep is one of the most important parts of our lives, and it makes up an enormous chunk of it.
Buying the best baby bottle can be stressful since there are countless options to choose from. The most popular styles are glass, plastic, stainless steel, and silicone.
Let me start off by saying whole milk isn’t a necessary food for our little ones. That being said, it is a nice package of protein, fat and essential vitamins. Not to mention, it’s an easy food for little ones to accept after a mostly liquid diet for the first year of their life.
One of today’s biggest trends in baby food is purees. This is because babies are not ready to eat solid food right after breast feeding.
Once your baby starts eating solid food, it’s extremely important to know exactly what they’re eating.
Every child who is old enough to be in school looks forward to one time of year, summer!
Traveling with a baby can be a hard task, but can be made easier by following these tips.