We’re quickly approaching Father’s Day. Are you ready? We have some great ideas to make this Father’s Day a day the dad’s in your lives will always remember. We want all fathers to feel special today, and we are so happy to share these tips with you so you can make sure your dad or husband is relaxed and enjoys the day.
- We’ll start off with the obvious breakfast in bed.Dads love this just as much as moms do and it’s time to treat him to a relaxing morning, too!
- A family day at the ball park is just what he needs to feel appreciated and loved. He’ll enjoy watching the game especially with all of your company. Family baseball days are the best, everyone enjoying nachos and crackerjacks while watching a great game. Dad will love watching the game with family.
- A bike ride is the perfect way to spend time together and have fun while doing it. Find a great bike trail, grab some bikes, and get riding. A family bike adventure is a great way to get active and have fun with the entire family.
- A family that crafts together laughs together. We think (for the crafty family) it is great to build something together especially on Father’s Day. Make sure to make it something easy that the whole family can do, but hard enough that it is a challenge. Have fun with it and you’ll have memories forever.
- Movie night is a great way to show dad how important he is to you. Pop some popcorn, buy some candy and soda, and put on dad’s favorite movie. Time together is so important and it makes the things we love even better.
Father’s Day, like Mother’s Day is really all about being together. Spending quality time together as a family is all any father wants to do. However, the day is about him so try to do the activities that he’ll love the most. Enjoy your day and be sure to share your photos with us for a chance to be featured!